Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome to New England

[POST SCRIPT: For some reason the formatting on the shape of my poem is all messed up and I can't get it fixed. So, it doesn't exactly read the same as it does on paper. Just a heads up. ]

I am waiting in the Atlanta airport for my flight back to Greenville after an amazing weekend in New Haven, CT. I thought about writing a narrative blog about it, but I wrote a poem on the plane instead. I think (and hope) it communicates my weekend well.

I call it, "Welcome to New England."

Where d’ya go to school? Looks like
Nope. Just visiting. It’s beautiful this time
of year.

North Haven,
New Haven.
So many towns;
they all run together.

Piles of leaves in the most vibrant


burning red

golden yellow
always moving
by foot, wheel, or wind.
Orange and brown

even some green;
Let’s go jump in them.

That looks like


No, let’s keep walking. It’s only a mile.
Up the hill,
then down. Over the bridge,
then left. There’s Old Campus, over there’s
The bells are ringing at
Christ Church Episcopal.

Down on Grove Street
we cast our shadows on
broken tombstones.
This is a good place to sit
and read.

“Here lies Nathan Beers
who was born at Stratford. His life was
RESPECTABLE. He received
a mortal wound
from a party of British troops
in his own home in 1779
when he
departed this life.”

Countless courtyards made of old stone,
some were made with
very old stone. Gothic arches with
iron gates;

The essentials here: books and coffee,
don’t forget about Dunkin Donuts
and subsidized beer.

I like Atticus. Serving millions
of scones since 1981.

It’s the Ivy League rivalry.
“Are you all set?”
I got a new scarf.
White and navy stripes
and a blue foam finger;

Sing “Boolah-Boo! BOO! BOO!
Harvard sucks and
Princeton doesn’t matter!”

Never compromise your work and
don’t walk alone
on the green in the dark. You could
get SHOT.
There’s a bitter chill while
waiting for the bus.

School on Monday;
“Are you all set?”
Welcome to New England.
You can see everything from here.

Coming Soon: Video blog of this weekend as soon as I can find a Macintosh.
(Photos of New Haven red maple tree and our shadows in the Grove Street Cemetery)


brittany said...

you're always welcome to use my wonderful mac. especially since the 2 of us are on hiatus from FU.

Melissa said...

brittany - you're my hero. Thank you friend! I will call you tomorrow - maybe we can get together one evening this week before Wednesday and you can educate me on the wonderfulness of mac-dom. :)

joy said...

i obsessively study my webtracker for my blog, and while reading it tonight i was wondering who i knew in atlanta that would be reading my blog. must have been you :)