Friday, November 30, 2007

A loss for words...

The unfortunate truth is this: I have blogger's block.

Yes, really.

I have felt unable to write this week, and I don't know why. Its unnerving a little bit because writing has become a healthy outlet for me - an exercise of the brain - a challenging dive into my creative puddles - a wide table to serve up the bubbling pot of thoughts that I am constantly stirring in my head.

I'm thinking about my week - there are so many possibilities of things to write... and yet, none of them seem blog-worthy. (or blog-appropriate.) I decided to make a list of possible blogger's block breakers. Here's what I have so far:

1. read a new book. something out of the blue. different. new.
2. go to the park with Lindy and people watch. one is bound to find interesting things to write about there.
3. go to the mall. people watching and window shopping there might stir the pot.
4. hang out with someone i haven't seen in a long while.
5. try writing another poem.
6. call my grandmother.
7. spend some uninterrupted time in prayer
8. take an afternoon of solitude perhaps. i haven't done that in quite a while.
9. try a new recipe (or two).
10. call nelly. (i dreamed that i called you last night. you were riding your bike down a hill. talking on the phone while operating a bicycle is dangerous. you shouldn't do that.) :)

Does anyone have any more suggestions? I need help.

(Dead End Photo by walkingthedeadline)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like #8. You can do a little number prayer and number other thing in there, too. Number me sounds good, too! But I promise that I don't operate bicycles while talking on mobile phones. I do that while running, though...texting, at least. Ridiculous.