Saturday, November 03, 2007

Balboa, only deadlier...

This weekend marked the third year I've attended the Eastern Balboa Championships in Raleigh, NC. In the four years I've been swing dancing this has remained my favorite event. The best balboa dancers in the world gather on the east coast for an incredible weekend of dancing, instruction, and competition. Its a rare opportunity to see such incredible dancers, learn from them, and hopefully, if I'm lucky, grab a couple of great dances with them. I think of all the different swing dances I've learned over the years, Balboa is my favorite. I may not be the best at it, but I have a great time trying! It is a real treat for me to come to this event.

This year turned out to be a bit different than previous years, both in good and disappointing ways. In the past I have always come alone. This year I came with several friends, which changed the dynamic and made for a really fun time on and off the dance floor. I have really enjoyed hanging out with such fun people. However, I've been feeling a bit burnt out from dancing lately. I was hoping this weekend would give me my second wind and re-light the spark I had before. What I've realized though, is that it is time for me to take an extended break from dancing. I hate to admit it, but I don't love it as much as I used to. I've reached a plateau in my skill level and I'm not really getting any better. I don't want to give it up forever, but maybe it will be good for me to break from dancing for a bit.

My friends Steve and Deb were here this weekend with their new baby and I got the great pleasure of holding her for awhile. When she got fussy, it came natural for me to start dancing with her in my arms. The movement quickly quieted her and it made me smile inside. I hope one day I can dance with my own babies in my arms. The beautiful reality is that I will never stop loving the music, and therefore I will never be able to stop moving to it. I can't help it. Its in my system. And besides, I got new red dance shoes this weekend, so they'll keep me motivated to dance on good floors periodically for awhile. :)


joy said...

dancing with fussy babies...maybe i should try that. haha...

Jenelle said...

I thought for sure this was going to be a post about boxing.

Melissa said...

nelly you really crack me up! :)

who knew Balboa could be an explorer, a boxer, AND an awesome dance??!

Anonymous said...

where are steve and deb from? I know a steve and deb who just had a baby . . . I wonder if its the same steve and deb. . . .

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