Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the world can wait

Lately my life seems to be spinning faster than the earth. I don't know why I feel constant pressure to "fill up" every moment of my time and energy with extra-curricular activities, people pleasing, and to-do lists. Tonight is the first night that I have rested since I returned from my vacation in Santa Fe. It seems odd that I would come home from a week long Sabbath only to disregard the principle in my "regular" life. But then again, this is a part of being human I suppose.

This evening I've found refreshment in simple things: washing dishes; reading old letters and journals; throwing a tennis ball; walking barefoot in the damp grass; listening to new music; letting the porch fan sweep a warm night breeze through my hair; meditating on a psalm.

I need more nights like tonight. I need to live in slow motion. I want to savor the genuine moments of connecting with other people. I smile inside when I think of these rare gifts. I don't want them to pass me by. I want to protect the Sabbath in my life.

Life is too short not to go deep. The world can wait....

(Photo by DOS82)


Anonymous said...

Amen sister!! way to pull from an OTR tune by the way ;) one of my favorites too . . . I am right there with you, finding things spinning way too fast here at home, and wishing I had time to catch up, rest, breathe a little- thanks for the inspiring post, and especially for putting that song title into perspective - I think I'll go give it a spin now :)

Melissa said...

@Emmett - glad you caught the reference. :) thanks for being a faithful reader.