Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Charleston Lindy Exchange - Swing Dancing

One more short clip from the Friday evening dance in Charleston. Wallace and I never plan to color coordinate, but somehow it always works out that way. I guess that's what happens when your favorite color is red. :)


Jenelle said...

Holy night! This looks straight out of a movie. You look great, Mel! I love that you are chewing gum, so non-chalantly. I'm half expecting you to walk away smoking a 1920s cigarette, too!

Melissa said...

Nelly - you make me smile! :) You know I didn't even realize I was chewing gum in that video till you pointed it out.. but I suppose it does lend itself well to that whole, "non-chalant 1920s dancer" look. I suppose a cigarette would be great for the image, but would defeat the purpose of the gum. :) heehee. sometimes i'm jealous that you live in LA since there are so many swing dancers out there!