Tuesday, January 29, 2008

a long dry winter...

Do you ever feel as though winter will never end? I don't just mean with the weather. I mean, the winter of life - winter of the soul. For a couple of months now I have felt strangely like I'm walking through a spiritual tundra. Its cold and dry in my spirit, which I think is almost worse than cold and wet. I cannot say it is for lack of blessing. That is part of what is so strange to me. I am walking through a season of immense blessing at the moment. So, I'm not sure I understand it. I could blame it on being too busy or being overwhelmed with school, work, and life. I could blame it on my living situation or a lack of sleep or even the cold weather. But I don't really think there is an appropriate "blame." I think it is just a season, cold and dry as it may be. I'm sure there is something to learn in it.

I suppose it is possible to walk through drought and blessing at the same time. Either way, I am praying for spring to come soon, in more than just the weather.

(winter sky photo by vnysia)


Anonymous said...

The spring comes with the morning. Joy comes in the morning, love.

joy said...

i am totally with you. it's the cold and the clouds that wear on me. they make my soul dark and lonely. i'm ready for it to be over.

praying for you...

Anonymous said...

please don't give up writing